"Clean locally, celebrate globally!" Ukrainian youth joined the international action "We clean Danube!"

"Прибирай локально, святкуй глобально!"  українська молодь долучилась до міжнародної акції «We clean Danube!»

In order to form environmental and social responsibility among young people, care for the environment and spread this culture to all segments of the population  On August 27, 2019 in the city of Vilkove, Odessa region, an international action to clean the river area of the Danube Delta "Clean the Danube!" («We clean Danube! »).

Under the slogan "Clean locally, celebrate globally!" The international action brought together volunteers from 15 countries along 2,850 kilometers in which the second longest river in Europe, the Danube, flows.

 The participants of the action in Ukraine were students, local government representatives, the public and distinguished guests. 160 countries of the world and organizes the world cleaning "World CleanUp Day" on September 21, 2019 and Renchkovskaya Ksenia - the leader of the international youth movement School Recycling World in Ukraine. 

The Ukrainian action started from St. Nicholas Square in Vilkove Odessa region is the Danube Gate of the city, which is annually visited by thousands of tourists arriving by car, bus and cruise liner to see with your own eyes the Danube Delta and the unique landscapes of the Danube Biosphere Reserve.

The organizer of the action in Ukraine is the international youth movement "School Recycling World" on the initiative of the organization "River Cleanup", information support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, organizational support of Vilkivka City Council, Danube Biosphere Reserve, resource support of the company PepsiCo Ukraine.