Due to quarantine, travel within the country is becoming increasingly popular. The tips below will be relevant for both mini-trips and trips abroad.
Travel environmentally!
And I'm not saying now that you shouldn't be a pig and clean up after yourself. This is so obvious. I hope you clean up after yourself in nature ?
- You know that “paper cups”Not really paper (but with plastic impurities), and not recycled? Take it with a reusable cup. It is especially convenient if it is stored. And if you buy one, believe me, you will use it not only when traveling ? Silicone cup transformer для прикладу ?
- The same goes for bottles. Or ordinary plastic, or buy a bottle-transformer. You will be able to replenish it for everyone pump rooms world, as well as in countries where tap water is drinkable. ? Here. There is a cool application Refill which shows where you can draw water for free.
- Grab the cotton bags for groceries. In them you can pack both products from supermarkets and local markets.
- Not bars, yes - sandwiches and fruit! In addition to the fact that the second option is much more useful for your body, so you will not buy something in the package, and do without it. And fruits, vegetables and sandwiches can be safely packed in wax napkins - this is a great eco-alternative to food film.
- Використовуйте ліхтарики зі зйомними батарейками, які можна підзаряджувати. Ви врятуєте планету від ще однієї купки шкідливих для неї одноразових батарейок ?
- Do not print tickets. For example, in the e-ticket Ukrzaliznytsia itself writes: “Допоможіть зберегти природу – це в Ваших силах! Показуйте свій квиток на телефоні” ?
- Choose public transport. For example, the subway produces 76% less emissions than cars. And you will not stand in traffic jams. In general, if you want to have beautiful inflated legs and a trained heart, then ride a bike or walk!
- Share brochures / maps with other tourists, etc .. And their life is so short - used once, and all, let's go to the dump (?).
- Чистіть після поїздки невдалі фото та відео. Адже якщо заповнювати пам’ять вашої флешки/комп’ютера усім підряд, то зрештою доведеться купувати ще один накопичувач. Спробуйте використовувати те, що у вас уже є.І навіть цифрову пам’ять використовувати лише для вдалих кадрів ?
- Носіть з собою екосумку або рюкзачок. Це зекономить ваші грошики, а також не забруднюватиме природу ?
And what other ideas do you have on how to make your journey more eco-friendly?