The dangers of plastic tubes have long been noticed by many corporations, retailers and even countries and cities. It turns out that cigarettes pose a greater threat to the environment. Latest report…
Category: Блог

Bacteria will help recycle plastic
Plastic can now be decomposed in a matter of hours! That's the news. Scientists should be thanked. They have developed an enzyme that can break down PET plastic in 10 hours. If you do not know the words "enzyme" and “

Ecological Easter
Soon Easter and now this holiday has acquired a new meaning for many. However, as usual, it is during the holidays that a lot of garbage is formed. Easter is a holiday that brings light, hope, and good.…

Fashionable and environmentally friendly. Ukrainian eco brands
Fashion is the second industry in the world that pollutes the environment, second only to oil. In the last few years, fashion brands have taken a small step towards ecology and sustainable production. And that,…

Only one plastic bottle a day? What is this?
“Just one plastic bottle a day? What is this here "- and so thought a million more people. To present the scale of the problem of distribution and sale of plastic bottles, an interesting visual comparison was created by Simon…

Recycling symbols: do we all know about them?
Symbols of recycling on plastic products do not always mean what we used to think. A sign that looks like twisted arrows does not mean that the item can be recycled. That's all…

9 steps towards slow fashion and conscious life
7,000,000 tons of clothes are thrown away in the world every year. If you put all these clothes in boxes and build 20-storey houses from them, you will get a city the size of Bucha. At…

Top 30 eco movies of the last decade
Christmas weekend is a great occasion to relax and watch your favorite movies. I suggest you spend the winter holidays with the benefit of reviewing useful tapes. Top 30 Eco Movies of the Last Decade: The Grinch - The Christmas Thief (2000) (

Ecological New Year
Shopping To make the holiday more environmentally friendly, you need to start with preparation. Before shopping, make a list of what you need. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases and expenses. Reduce the number of packages or refuse altogether.
More environmentally friendly travel
How you can influence the reduction of emissions during the flight: Choose direct flights for the flight. Choose low-cost carriers. After all, the more people on board, the lower the CO2 emissions per passenger. Use…