Recycling symbols: do we all know about them?

Символи переробки: чи все ми про них знаємо?

Symbols of recycling on plastic products do not always mean what we used to think. A sign that looks like twisted arrows does not mean that the item can be recycled.

Here's what you need to know before disposing of your waste.

Green dot

Green Dot is a trademark used by European manufacturers. This indicates that they financially contributed to the recycling of the packaging of their goods. But do not think that the packaging is completely recyclable. According to Rapeseed: "The green dot is not in itself a symbol of recycling, nor does it mean that the packaging material on which it is marked is recycled or manufactured with the contents to be recycled." Rather, it is a symbol of the manufacturer's responsibility for the environment. No more, no less.

Файл:Green dot symbol.svg



The Tidyman 

This is not a symbol of recycling. Taidimen is a gentle reminder not to litter the surrounding space, please throw out the garbage carefully and consciously.


Mobius loop and plastic recycling

The Mobius cycle means that the item can be recycled. However, not all recycling centers or garbage collectors accept items with this label.


At the bottom of most plastic containers you will find a small number inside a triangle of three arrows. This number indicates the type of plastic from which the container is made. If they contain the numbers "1" or "2", they are most likely recycled by your local waste management company. Numbers from 3 to 7 do not give such a guarantee of processing.

What do the numbers mean:

  1. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), such as plastic beverage bottles
  2. High density polyethylene (HDPE), such as plastic milk boxes or shampoo bottles.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), such as scotch tape, plastic packaging from sheets and blisters from drugs.
  4. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) in your disposable coffee cups, plastic bread packaging.
  5. Polypropylene (PP), which is often used to make yogurt packaging and disposable food containers.
  6. Polystyrene (PS), for example, foam disposable cups and containers.
  7. Another. If the product is made of a combination of plastics, it will be marked with the number "7".


How can I know what plastic my local waste collector can take?

It is important to contact your local recycling company (through their website or directly) to find out what numbers plastic items they accept.