Only one plastic bottle a day? What is this?

Лише одна пластикова пляшка в день? Що тут такого?

“Just one plastic bottle a day? What is this here "- and so thought a million more people.

To present the scale of the problem of distribution and sale of plastic bottles, an interesting visual comparison was made by Simon Scar and Marco Hernandez??

?Every year - 54.9 million bottles. If they were stacked one on top of the other, such a "structure" would be 38 meters taller than Christ the Savior in Rio de Janeiro.
?1.3 billion bottles a day. This number of bottles, only half the size of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (324 meters), is sold worldwide.
?One month - 40 billion bottles. In a month, the Eiffel Tower will look small next to a mountain of accumulated bottles.
?For the whole year - 481.6 billion bottles. If all the plastic bottles sold in 2018 were collected, this volume would surpass the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (830 meters).
?In 10 years - 4 trillion bottles. Plastic bottles sold worldwide since 2009, if folded, will occupy the area of New York's Manhattan, and a height of about 2.4 km.

?Globally, from 1950 to 2015, 8.3 billion tons of plastic were produced. Most are disposable plastic and only 6% of the total has been recycled, according to a study by Science Advances.

If you have not yet lost consciousness from such horrible statistics, what are the following ways to reduce plastic waste in person and locally????

?Competition of tidy cities. Launched in 1958, this national initiative encourages communities to improve their city and participates in healthy, friendly competition. The more people involved in the disposal of their waste, the more cautious they will be when it comes to recycling in the future.

?Landscaping committees. The creation of a committee in each house, which deals with local improvement, is an organized control of the level of cleanliness, sorting of garbage, waste from a large number of residents of the house.

?Buy wisely. Of course, do not forget about conscious consumption, planned purchases and your bag. If the store can not provide environmentally friendly packaging or packaging suitable for recycling - I'll take care of it myself. Take your bag, bags and do not buy bags and products in plastic packaging if possible. Also, this applies to online shopping - do not forget that in addition to branded packaging, there is packaging for delivery.

?Coffee and drinks with you. It has long been no secret that a coffee cup is not paper. It is not recyclable because it consists of several layers of different materials that are difficult to separate from each other. Bring reusable water bottle and cup. Modern eco-friendly establishments support the initiative with coffee discounts. You will save your budget and impact on the environment.

?Straws. According to The Last Plastic Straw, for example, 500 million straws are used daily in the United States. This is enough to turn the earth 2.5 times. Use alternatives - paper straws, bamboo, rye, iron. If possible, it is better not to use at all, it is not necessary - do not take.

Source KoloObih