School Recycling World became finalists of the Partnership for Sustainability Award 2020!

School Recycling World стали фіналістами Partnership for Sustainability Award 2020!

The international youth movement "School Recycling World" has reached the finals in the "PLANET" category in the UN Global Compact campaign in Ukraine "Partnership for Sustainable Development - 2020".

All-Ukrainian project "Bag" aimed to draw attention to the frugal treatment of Earth's resources. 8,000 students and their families, 285 schools from all over Ukraine gave a second life to unnecessary things and sewed more than 17,000 bags to replace plastic bags ", - commented Ukrainian rapper Alyona Alyona. 

The project was supported by the general partner PepsiCo Ukraine in order to encourage young people to make bags, an alternative to plastic packaging.

These are far-sighted goals related to conscious consumption. From previous experience of cooperation with School Recycling World, we can safely say that working with children gives significant results. In addition, adults, watching them, rethink attitudes to environmental problems and change their habits towards frugal consumption, - said Natalia Fesyun - PepsiCo Ukraine Public Relations and Public Relations Manager.

The awards ceremony took place on November 26, for the first time online.

“It was a great honor for us to compete with such strong projects of participants from all over the world and reach the finals. And unity with colleagues and a common focus on a better future encourages the development of initiatives. We thank the organizers of the event, who noted our public organization and motivated to move forward to the dreamed future with a clean environment, environmentally conscious citizens, " - commented Julia Markhel, founder of the International Youth Movement "School Recycling World".

Not only Ukrainian projects competed for the victory. Companies from Belarus, Macedonia, Poland and Turkey also took part. And the work was evaluated by an international jury.

In his speech, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal said: "Certainly, it is impossible to solve global problems by state bodies alone. This requires the combined efforts of stakeholders, government, business and the public. Our common goal is to ensure equal rights for all categories, and this requires us to be more efficient and creative. The authorities are working on this and for their part are doing everything possible. "

The Partnership for Sustainability Award campaign was launched by the UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine in 2018 and aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals and promote partnerships between business, business associations, governments, civil society and academia.

“This event is evidence for us that we are moving in the right direction. We are sincerely grateful to all the students, teachers, activists who are constantly involved in change, as well as to the authorities and companies that support the activities and help young agents of change. With such a team, with such support, we will be able to quickly achieve environmental goals and form a sustainable culture of responsible consumption in Ukraine. ", - added Ksenia Renchkovska, head of the International Youth Movement "School Recycling World" in Ukraine.

The event is organized by the UN Global Compact in Ukraine. The event was supported by the CEO of Club Ukraine. Information partner - StarLightMedia media group.