Our country is keeping up with the times: digitalization is in full swing, administrative services are becoming available on smartphones, Ukraine is actively implementing the paperless mode, and in supermarkets we are finally not…
Category: Блог

Organic or regular products?
Organic products (or so-called "bio") are gaining popularity. Most people associate the "Bio" label with the best quality, usefulness and natural origin. What is "Bio" really? These are organic products that…

"Taking care of the environment is taking care of yourself." Interview with eco-blogger Yulia Spilchuk
A conversation with a Ukrainian eco-blogger, photographer, author of a future book and just a wonderful Yulia Spilchuk about the importance of an ecological and healthy lifestyle in the modern world. We wish you inspiration and a good time with…

How the world has changed over the last 37 years - timelaps from Google Earth
Google Earth has released a series of videos and created the ability to view timelapses as our planet changed from 1984 to 2020 Google Earth now has a timelapse option for users. Try this…

Everything you wanted to know about composting
Що таке компостування? ? Компост – це органічні добрива, що утворилися внаслідок розкладання органічних речовин мікроорганізмами ? ? За допомогою компостування побутові органічні відходи можна не викидати у загальний смітник,…

Ecological holidays? Light!
Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching. And along with the holidays, the garbage increases. And here the question arises, how to spend your celebration more environmentally friendly? Interesting? Let's get started! (more…)

Travel with love for the planet
Due to quarantine, travel within the country is becoming increasingly popular. The tips below will be relevant for both mini-trips and trips abroad. Travel environmentally! And I'm not about that now…
The world's state of emergency is the United Nations
“У світі надзвичайний екологічний стан – ООН”. На такий заголовок я натрапила в Інтернеті (це була стаття за літо 2019 року). ?️?️ Промова Грети Тунберг – це вже був крик…

5 advantages of ECO-BAGS
Чим частіше ви говорите фразу “Ні, дякую, у мене свій пакет” на касі магазину, тим менше забруднення світового океану ? Ви робите маленький, але впевнений крок у сторону зменшення…

Pandora becomes "eco-friendly"
More and more world-famous brands are changing certain aspects of their work to become more environmentally friendly and less harmful to the environment. And today we will talk about the jewelry brand Pandora and…